Room Type Introduction

Floral Six-Person Suite

When planning a trip for a group or catering to diverse needs, the comfortable and refreshing sleeping space accommodates various functions, ensuring that all your different travel requirements are met.



分離式冷氣 42吋液晶電視 中華MOD頻道  wifi無線上網 小冰箱
獨立筒床墊 高級羽絨被 羽絨枕  獨立衛浴 乾濕分離淋浴 / 浴缸
 吹風機 高級沐浴用品 電熱水壺 茶包 咖啡包



房間名稱 床型 坪數 入住人數 定價
精緻雙床房 單人床 x 2張 10坪(31m²) 2人 $5000
豪華雙人房 加大雙人床 x 1張 10坪(33m²) 2人 $5000
豪華雙床房 單人床 x 2張 10坪(33m²) 2人 $5000
豪華四人房 加大雙人床 x 2 張 10坪(33m²) 4人 $7200
和風四人房 雙人床 x 2 張 10坪(33m²) 4人 $7200
精緻四單床房 單人床 x 4 張 15坪(49m²) 4人 $7200
東岸幸福家庭房 加大雙人床 x 1 張 / 單人床 x 2 張 16坪(52m²) 6人 $9000
東岸花漾六人套房 加大雙人床 x 1 張 / 單人床 x 4 張 27坪(89m²) 6人 $12000

Remittance Information

    Remittance Bank: Taiwan Land Bank     

    Bank Branch: Hualien Branch

    Account Name:育麟股份有限公司

    Beneficiary Code005

   Account Number018001-819166

    After completing the remittance, please notify us via phone or text message with the last five digits of your account number, your name, phone number, amount, date, check-in date, room type, and number of people. This will complete your booking process.

   In the event of a typhoon, earthquake, or other natural disasters, if transportation is interrupted and the local county government or the government of the guest’s location announces a suspension of work and school, the deposit may be refunded or retained for up to three months, allowing for rescheduling of the stay."


Refund Information

   Cancellation and Deposit Refund Policy: (According to the regulations of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications)


  1. Cancellation and Deposit Refund Standards:

    • Cancellation 14 days before the scheduled check-in date: Full deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 10 to 13 days before the scheduled check-in date: 70% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 7 to 9 days before the scheduled check-in date: 50% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 4 to 6 days before the scheduled check-in date: 40% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 2 to 3 days before the scheduled check-in date: 30% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 1 day before the scheduled check-in date: 20% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation on the day of the scheduled check-in date: No deposit refund.


    Cancellation of Booking: Any guest who does not check in on the scheduled check-in date will be considered as a cancellation of the booking.

   "On the day of check-in, if a natural disaster (typhoon, earthquake) occurs and the local government or the government of the guest's location issues a suspension of work and school, a full refund of the deposit may be issued or the deposit may be retained."                  

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