
Outdoor Flat Parking Lot

"Parking spaces are designated for hotel guests and visitors. The iron roll-up door has a height restriction of 3 meters. Located on both the left and right sides of the hotel's courtyard, only eight cars can park, operating on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking spaces cannot be reserved in advance. Additionally, the hotel area has two designated parking lots for guests' convenience during their stay. Each room is limited to one vehicle, and a parking ticket will be provided once. To receive your parking ticket, please visit the hotel front desk to register and sign for it."


  • 【花蓮】Times 花蓮延平街停車場

    • 地址:花蓮縣花蓮市中山路475-9號旁停車場
    • 營業項目:臨停/月租
    • 繳費方式:無現金(信用卡/悠遊卡/icash)
    • 場內設備:柵欄(車牌辨識)
    • 月租費用:900元/月
    • 月租申請流程:請見【流程與規範】
  • 【花蓮】 中山路明智街停車場

    • 地址花蓮中山路與明智街口
    • 營業項目:臨停/月租 / 計時
    • 繳費方式:無現金(信用卡/悠遊卡/icash)
    • 場內設備:柵欄(車牌辨識)
    • 月租費用:2500元/月
    • 自小客車計時方案:
           說明:每1小時20元;30分鐘10元 ,每日最高收費:120元
                      費率價格    20 元 / 小時




Related Facilities

"Dawn Café"

"In the early morning, as the first light of dawn shines in, we welcome the first rays of sunshine on the East Coast. We offer both Japanese and Western-style breakfasts to energize the travelers who visit. At any time, you can stroll inside the premises and stop by the Dawn Café to enjoy the warmth of the afternoon sun. At night, the Dawn Café features a late-night snack area, offering instant noodles and chef's selections, providing gentle comfort under the soft moonlight.

Breakfast hours: 06:30 AM - 09:30 AM
Late-night snack hours: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM"

Audio-Visual Conference Room

"The Audio-Visual Conference Room is a versatile space designed for meetings, speeches, training sessions, seminars, and presentations. Equipped with advanced audio-visual and projection equipment, it enhances the meeting experience and communication effectiveness. It meets the needs of various types of meetings, boosting interaction and productivity."


"We provide travelers with the convenience of using bicycles anytime and anywhere, allowing them to explore the hidden corners of the city, such as alleys, street markets, attractions, and local food specialties, while experiencing the everyday life of the locals.
Rental period is 24 hours. To rent, please register with the staff and provide one valid ID as a deposit."

Reading Area

"The reading area provides travelers with a relaxing corner during their journey, filled with a variety of books, including novels, art and design, travel, local culture, and even some foreign language books. This allows guests from different countries to find something of interest and enjoy a peaceful moment. With soft background music and soothing scents, the atmosphere of the reading area becomes even more warm and inviting."

Front Desk

"The minimalist and stylish front desk design directly impacts the first impression of travelers. Upon entering, guests immediately feel warmth, friendliness, and enthusiasm. The staff interacts with guests to understand their preferences, offering personalized services, including special room arrangements, restaurant recommendations, and additional itinerary suggestions for family travelers. A variety of payment options are available to ensure the best possible experience during their stay."


"Comfortable sofas and chairs provide a relaxing space for guests to rest, wait for room arrangements, or meet with friends. Every moment in the lobby is designed to offer both professionalism and comfort, with soft piano or jazz music playing in the background to help guests unwind and relax."

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