Home Notice


Remittance Instructions

Remittance Information

    Remittance Bank: Taiwan Land Bank     

    Bank Branch: Hualien Branch

    Account Name:育麟股份有限公司

    Beneficiary Code005

   Account Number018001-819166

    After completing the remittance, please notify us via phone or text message with the last five digits of your account number, your name, phone number, amount, date, check-in date, room type, and number of people. This will complete your booking process.

   In the event of a typhoon, earthquake, or other natural disasters, if transportation is interrupted and the local county government or the government of the guest’s location announces a suspension of work and school, the deposit may be refunded or retained for up to three months, allowing for rescheduling of the stay."


Refund Information

   Cancellation and Deposit Refund Policy: (According to the regulations of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications)


  1. Cancellation and Deposit Refund Standards:

    • Cancellation 14 days before the scheduled check-in date: Full deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 10 to 13 days before the scheduled check-in date: 70% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 7 to 9 days before the scheduled check-in date: 50% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 4 to 6 days before the scheduled check-in date: 40% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 2 to 3 days before the scheduled check-in date: 30% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation 1 day before the scheduled check-in date: 20% deposit refund.
    • Cancellation on the day of the scheduled check-in date: No deposit refund.


    Cancellation of Booking: Any guest who does not check in on the scheduled check-in date will be considered as a cancellation of the booking.

   "On the day of check-in, if a natural disaster (typhoon, earthquake) occurs and the local government or the government of the guest's location issues a suspension of work and school, a full refund of the deposit may be issued or the deposit may be retained."                  

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